Introducing Ashley Davis, a remarkable 32-year-old model whose captivating journey commenced beneath the dazzling lights of the runway at a tender age of 13. Despite the whirlwind of success she experienced, Ashley found herself at a crossroads when she embraced motherhood at the age of 22, believing her career had reached its pinnacle. Now, with the joys and challenges of raising three beautiful children, Ashley reflects on the profound transformation that motherhood has brought into her life, discovering a newfound sense of self-love and resilience along the way.


As Ashley witnesses her children navigating the twists and turns of life's journey, she is struck by the realization that she has often neglected her own needs and aspirations in the pursuit of nurturing others. Determined to reclaim her identity and reignite the flames of her passion, Ashley embarked on a courageous and transformative journey last year, delving deep into the depths of her soul to rediscover her authentic self.


For Ashley, modeling is more than just a profession; it is an intrinsic part of her identity, a medium through which she expresses her innermost thoughts, emotions, and aspirations. Each time she stands before the camera, Ashley is enveloped by an unparalleled sense of confidence and empowerment, finding solace in the quiet moments of self-reflection that the spotlight affords her.


As she continues to navigate the twists and turns of her personal and professional journey, Ashley is committed to reclaiming the passion and purpose that she once set aside. Through this profound expedition of self-discovery and growth, she is not only reconnecting with her true essence but also striving to become the best version of herself, both for herself and for her beloved family.


In every stride she takes and every pose she strikes, Ashley Davis is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and self-love. With each passing day, she is inching closer to embracing her authentic self and living life to the fullest, inspiring others to do the same along the way.

QSM: Can you walk us through the moment you realized that motherhood wouldn't extinguish your passion for modeling, but rather ignite a new chapter in your career?

Ashley: I realized that motherhood is a beautiful thing. However, I realized that me as a person is what I had to discover after leaving a 13-year relationship with their father. I now had to share my time. To me this was new. When I was left alone on weekends, and I didn't have my kids I began to think wow what do I do now? What do I like? What are my hobbies. All of those things I couldn't answer because motherhood came first. Those moments being "kid free" I picked up my passion and decided to use my free time to see where my modeling career could go. Once I was able to use that time wisely, I realized I could model and still be a good mom and not feel like my identity was erased.

QSM: WHEW! I felt that! How has your perspective on self-love evolved throughout your journey as both a model and a mother of three?

Ashley: Self-love before was simplex. Just taking care of yourself was the idea. Now my journey is taking care of me physically and mentally. Embracing all the changes my body went through after childbirth.

QSM: What inspired you to embark on a mission to regain your passion for modeling, and how did you approach this challenge?

Ashley: As a mother we teach our kids to never give up on things. When something doesn't work out to keep pushing for it if that's the end goal. Here I was preaching these things but what examples was I setting for them? For me to get back into modeling it was for self, but I also want to model the fact that I never gave up.

QSM: You mentioned that modeling has always been a part of you. Can you delve deeper into what it is about being in front of the camera that ignites your confidence and sense of self?

Ashley: Growing up I was always the quiet one in the room; I never wanted to speak. Up until my teenage years I would only talk if I was comfortable with you. Being In front of the camera I can just see my personality shine through. It's like an unspoken trait that I have without having to speak. The best way I can describe is that some people can speak and exude confidence. With me it's through being photographed.

QSM: Could you share a memorable experience or realization from your journey back to modeling that reaffirmed your sense of identity and purpose?

Ashley: My most memorable experience modeling that gave me my sense of identity and purpose was a beauty shoot I did. It was a moment in my childhood when I would always get asked about my ethnicity. My almond shaped eyes I guess raised questions on what I was "mixed with “. Never paid attention too much to it, but I guess in some ways it did make me stand out. I never received compliments for my blackness, but because I looked mixed it was more appealing. I think growing up I didn't appreciate being a black girl because I was always recognized as someone or thing else. I remember I was in a gaze at this beauty shoot; thinking about who knows what.  I remember the photographer taking the shot just saying that's perfect! We got the shot. I'm still thinking it was a test shot (because I didn't put much effort into my face expressions). He turned the camera to me to see and I was like wow! It was something about my eyes and I wore this head scarf. I felt I embraced 2 things in this picture. My blackness and my almond shaped eyes. Both very much a part of me but it was just me, Ashley a beautiful black girl with the almond shape eyes. I knew this was my identity; it was truly powerful. I didn't have to smile or try extra hard to recreate a look I've seen in Vogue. It was just me, and that was beautiful. One of my favorites today.


QSM: As you continue to pursue happiness and reclaim your passion, what are some key lessons or insights you've gained about yourself along the way?

Ashley: I've learned that I'm stronger than I thought for one resilient to the max. I've been challenged, I've been broken, and I remain the same on the inside. The lesson that I'm learning is to protect my peace. Being a kind person isn't bad but knowing when it's time to protect yourself and to put myself first.


QSM: Looking ahead, what aspirations or goals do you have for yourself in both your personal and professional life, now that you're embracing the best version of yourself?

Ashley:  For me I want to get closer to God, I want to be healthier. Going back to the gym being active. Eating healthy, traveling and exploring new adventures with my kids. Take my mental health seriously. Hopefully date more and find love. Just be a great person daily. In my professional life I want to help others like me that battled with some of my similar life experiences. Motivate young woman to continue their life and rewrite their story no matter how it started.


QSM: Please let people know where they can follow and support your journey. 

Ashley: I'm on Instagram @supash27 and on Facebook you can search Ashley S Davis.


QSM: Any final thoughts, advice, or words you want to leave our readers with?

Ashley: Two quotes that really helped me in my journey was. 1) Comes challenge comes change. 2) You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.

Photo credits: Photographer: @stevebenette

Wardrobe stylist: @ffc_styles
Hair: @tyerrajai


