Meet iamShahidah


Shahidah, is a native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. She is a professional model, Confidence Coach, and the CEO of I.A.S. Image Consulting, where she empowers women to value themselves first, build confidence and look fashionable, at the same time. She used her own model journey to create a platform promoting self-love, body positivity and colorism awareness.

She works with aspiring models and individuals from different career backgrounds.


As the founder of POSE w/ Confidence Model Summit, she recently held her inaugural event in New Orleans, Louisiana in August 2022. This event united models from across the nation to refine and polish their skills, as well as learn new posing techniques.  Shahidah encouraged them to cultivate the courage to confront their insecurities and become more confident in the industry.


To learn more about iamshahidah or schedule a consultation contact:

Social media handles IG & Fb: @iAmShahidah


MEET iamshahidah

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." ~ Maya Angelou

QSM: Let’s talk about modeling. How and when did you venture into modeling?

Shahidah: As a young girl growing up in the 90's/ early 2000s, black female representation was limited. Especially plus size women. I remember watching TV and flipping through magazines, unable to find anyone who looked like me, tall, dark-skin, and thick. Also, being from Louisiana and becoming a model was unheard of. So, I bottled up my dreams and placed it on the shelf. However, it was always in the back of my mind and never left my heart. Then one day, I saw a flyer online for a LS-1426 model workshop with Linda Scott in Houston, Tx. I attended the event, and the rest is history! I began my model journey in 2014 with the runway traveling across the United States. The next few years included gracing the runway stages from Portland Fashion Week, Essence Fashion House, Mushiya with Runway Curls and even a pop-up shop with Monif C. to name a few. I then worked my way to fit and lifestyle modeling for commercial /manufacturing companies.


QSM: What was the driving force behind starting I.A.S. Image Consulting?

Shahidah: Whuu chile, I’m "long-winded", so here it goes.

I.A.S. stands for "I AM SHAHIDAH". 

On my modeling journey, as I began to find my truth and learn to embrace my authentic self... I AM SHAHIDAH emerged with my tag line #iRockConfidence. Which I have now turned into a t-shirt line that you can find at *Shameless plug*

As I gained experience and began to make this a profitable career, and not just a hobby, more and more people would reach out to me, or even stop me when I am out asking me to show them how to do what I do.  Like, this one time I was walking out of Church at the end of services and the young lady said that she had been following me and asked me if I could I teach her how to model. I really was overwhelmed by the response that I was getting from people. BUT what really brought it home for me was when I encountered this beautiful darkskin girl at a fashion show I was assisting with. As she was getting dressed, I heard her say "Oh No! I 'm not wearing pink lipstick! I'm too dark for that!"  That triggered me, growing up other people would tell ME that I was too dark to wear certain colors! I instantly felt empathy for her. My natural instinct was to tell her how beautiful she was. I showed her that there is no color that is off limits to her but to find a shade that compliments her rich skin tone. After the show, I continued to speak with her and encouraged her to embrace her skin tone! I began to realize that I had something to offer. Being a dark skinned, plus sized black woman, representation matters! I created I.A.S. Image Consulting to help women value themselves first, build confidence, and look fashionable at the same time.

We, as women are caretakers. Therefore, we juggle everything; from our 9-5 job duties, taking care of our kids, balancing a spiritual relationship, personal relationship-BS, family-drama, and for some, operating our small business. (Oh that's just me?!.. LOL, Okaay.) We handle so much, that we tend to forget about ourselves. 

Personal image is imperative. The way you see yourself is just as important, if not more important, than how others see you. As an image consultant and confidence coach, my goal is for my clients to "whuu-saah", and take a moment to embrace themselves. My services are composed of a mixture of self-love boosters, empowerment gems and fashionable vibes. 


QSM: I love that! In addition to be an image consultant, confidence coach, and model, what do you do for a living and how do you balance?

Shahidah: In my 9-5 job, I work as a Project Manager. A person would think, since I'm a Project Manager, I have great time management, when it comes to motherhood, relationship goals, and managing my business... LOL.. NOT! Some days are heavier than others, but I get the job done, with God's grace and mercy.

I have a 4-year-old daughter, named Zari. She demands much of my attention, so I try my best to work when she's at school or away with her family. A few occasions, she's been right by my side, watching Mommy werk. She thinks she is a photographer, videographer, but that is a whole other interview. lol. 

QSM: I can relate to all of that sis! Can you tell us something about Shahidah that people would be surprised to learn about you?

Shahidah: My personality causes people to think that I am an extrovert, but I have many introverted tendencies. I enjoy spending time with myself, like getting cozy on the couch and binge watching TV, which includes Nollywood films, old school TV shows, Power series', and even my "ratchet" reality TV shows. Disclaimer: this is for entertainment purposes only. My current favorite show is Tyler Perry-SISTAS. Yes ma'am, love it! 

QSM: Congratulations on your recent launch of POSE w/Confidence. Can you share the inspiration behind the Model Summit?

Shahidah: Thank you, I truly appreciate it.

(In my Biggie voice, "It was all a dream...")  In 2018 I had a vision. I wanted to provide a safe space and opportunity to our local aspiring model sisters and brothers, in Louisiana, to develop their modeling craft. After I relocated to my hometown of Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I received many messages from aspiring models asking how did I start modeling. My response was simple, "I researched the industry and invested in my goals." As I continued my own self-development journey, I began working with Danielle Baker of Model Behavior University in 2019. She challenged me to write out my model career goals. I immediately thought about the conversations I shared with local aspiring models. I then wrote my vision for a model conference in NEW ORLEANS.  Fast forward to 2022, Danielle Baker sent a message, asking was I ready for my conference? I immediately let go of my fears and went for it! I.A.S. and MBU partnered to create, POSE With Confidence Model Summit. Models came from all over the U.S. to receive empowerment gems, editorial posing techniques and more plenty of tips and tricks, needed it stay in the "fashion-industry" game. For those who missed it, POSE with Confidence Model Summit will return Spring/Summer 2023!

QSM: Who (in the industry or out) do you look up to in terms of influence.

Shahidah: In the fashion industry, I look up to Liris Cross, that's my gurl, Yes Ma'am. Hadassah Mcgrew also inspire me as a commercial / print model. Before these ladies, my model influencers we're To'carra Jones and the Late Mia Amber. 

QSM: What do you hope people will learn from you?

Shahidah: I hope that people learn to believe in themselves, first. As long as you have Faith and determination, you can do ALL things in Christ, who strengthens you! 


QSM: Any other events coming up that you want to share?

Shahidah: Thank you for the opportunity, to be a part of the infamous Queen Size Magazine. Those questions allowed me to really appreciate how far I've come as a model and entrepreneur.

The next event for I.A.S. is the "I AM Tour" in Baton Rouge, early 2023. The "I AM" Tour is geared toward young ladies and women. The focus is to encourage them to stop living a Insta-lie, and comparing themselves to insta-bodies. Discussing topics such as self-value, colorism, embracing body positivity, self-esteem strategies and wellness techniques. Stay tuned for dates and more details on my social media platform @iamshahidah

You can visit my website for more information or to schedule a consultation.                                           

Also visit for my #iRockConfidence T-Shirt Line.

all images shot by Jose Pagan @josepaganphotography

MUA Ashli Brown-Ali @ashlibbeauty


