Who's thankful to have our Big and Tall scene back? Who's been wondering where did all of the guys go? I've heard this question in so many rooms, I've lost count. People from the fashion event scene, have wondered what happened to all of our male models. 

What if we told you that they are here, and that they never left??!! What if we told event producers, designers, and brands, that our big and tall men stay ready, so they don't have to get ready, they just need more opportunities for visibility to answer their calls.


We were all inside for a minute thanks to the pandemic, but it seems to some that the male model scene had been dry for quite some time before then. Now that we are back outside, is this true, or have we not been looking in the right places? Have our men not been on the fashion event scene, or in fashion at all? We know it's the first, and definitely not the latter. All we have to do is just look at the latest, Khloe's, Nike, or JCPenny ads to figure that out. So why is it important to make sure we have them present in both scenes? We need representation available to the masses, and the masses are everywhere. We are thankful when our male models can be seen in ads, on build boards, and on runways, to help other big and tall men feel welcome and comfortable in fashion. 


Many big and tall men can often find shopping something to avoid. It’s pretty difficult, sometimes, to find a really good variety of things in your size if you are a big and tall male. Our big and tall representation can help alleviate some of this frustration men experience, by showing great ways to navigate different styles on different body types. The big and tall population often have many men who would enjoy shopping and fashion if they knew of more options. Thankfully, there are still a handful of retailers and designers who cater to stores that carry big and tall options. There are also some great online destinations as well. Follow these amazing male models and you will definitely be on your way to great fashion and style. We are so very thankful that our men are here and that they actually never left us. Keep a watch out for all they have coming down the pipeline.

Ashley Walker

Msbeyoudoyou #walkingbeyondthestandard


