Hello Queens,

Everyone seems to be talking about the state of the economy, and the concerns of sales for their Beauty Brands and Salon suites.  As an entrepreneur we must find ways to stay positive and weather the storm. Here are some quick tips to add to your toolbox.

Stay positive, let me repeat this... STAY POSITIVE.  Just know you are not the only business owner with this concern. Many are looking for ways to stay afloat. Positive energy can change your perception and your mindset. Find daily positive affirmations and focus only on positive energies. Tell yourself that everything is okay, this is important to do daily and sometimes multiple times a day. Try sleeping with positive motivations and affirmations playing in your ears at night, getting it deep into your subconscious. Leave no room for negativity.

Get creative and look for different ways to market yourself. This may be the perfect opportunity to upsell your brand and try a different strategy during this time. This the perfect brainstorming season, so write down some new ideas and put those ideas into three categories; would do, might do and will not do. Remember let your ideas stay within the scope of your business you don't want to confuse your clients.

Give yourself some time to think about these ideas and do your marketing research. See if these ideas have been done before and worked for others. There is nothing wrong with putting your own creative process on an idea. Just be mindful of infringements. Set a small budget for when you decide to implement these ideas and if it does not work out you are not at huge financial loss. Look for cheap ways to implement your ideas, there's nothing wrong with redefining an idea to make it work for your business.

Remember every new client is a client that you did not have before. Take care of those new clients by providing the best experiences. Talk with them about your products, this a great opportunity to upsell. Also reach out to your old clients to let them know about new promotions and services, this is a great opportunity for rebookings.

Mostly importantly take care of yourselves Queens. Find simple ways to recharge during this process and know that everything will be ok.

Stay safe and Beautiful,




Why you should love your hair in the Summer months.