In a world that often fixates on appearances and unrealistic beauty standards, the battle against body shaming remains an ongoing challenge. The effects of body shaming can be detrimental, leading to low self-esteem, negative body image, and even severe mental health issues. It's a battle that requires advocates who are unafraid to challenge these norms and promote self-love and acceptance. One such advocate, Izzy Spears, has taken the forefront of this fight, utilizing her creativity and passion to pave the way for positive change.

Izzy Spears, a formidable force in the realm of body positivity, has channeled her experiences and determination into a series of impactful initiatives. From her heartfelt book "Diary of a Curvy Gal" to the establishment of two empowering plus-size clothing brands, Izzy is making waves in reshaping societal perceptions and championing self-worth for all.


Embracing Self-Love Through Fashion


It's no secret that fashion can be a powerful tool for self-expression and empowerment. Recognizing this, Izzy Spears founded Plurvy and Curvy Girls Rock, two distinctive clothing brands that put body positivity at the forefront. These brands offer a diverse range of sizes and styles, ensuring that individuals of all body types can revel in fashion that makes them feel confident, comfortable, and beautiful. 

The significance of these brands is magnified during the back-to-school season when students are often subjected to immense societal pressure to conform to conventional beauty ideals. By promoting clothing that celebrates diversity and challenges norms, Izzy's brands help to foster a sense of belonging and self-assurance. When young people are empowered to embrace their bodies, they are better equipped to navigate the challenges of school life with resilience and confidence.


A Voice for Change


Izzy Spears is not just a businesswoman; she is a voice for change. Her journey towards self-love and acceptance has inspired countless individuals to embark on their paths of self-discovery. Her book, "Diary of a Curvy Gal," serves as a poignant testament to her personal journey, offering readers a roadmap to navigate their own struggles and find strength in vulnerability.

Beyond her clothing brands and book, Izzy's influence extends even further. She has authored a children's book, "The Adventures of Jaylen Newman," which beautifully highlights the positive aspects of Black family life. In doing so, she champions not only body positivity but also cultural diversity, teaching young minds the value of acceptance and understanding.


Taking a Stand Against Body Shaming


Izzy Spears is at the forefront of a movement that refuses to bow down to the pressures of body shaming. Through her clothing brands, book, and advocacy efforts, she stands as a beacon of hope, demonstrating that self-love is a journey worth embracing. As back-to-school season approaches, her message becomes all the more vital, reminding students and society at large that every body is beautiful and deserving of respect.

In a world that often speaks in terms of stereotypes and unrealistic ideals, advocates like Izzy Spears dismantle these norms brick by brick. By championing body positivity, she carves out spaces for people to not just exist, but to thrive, unapologetically and authentically.

Let us all stand together against body shaming, supporting remarkable advocates like Izzy Spears who are actively reshaping the narrative and making a lasting impact on the world. It's a call to action that invites us to reflect on our perceptions, challenge our biases, and embrace a future where self-love is the ultimate trend.

But who is Izzy?

QSM: Can you tell us about your personal journey that led you to become a body-positive advocate and start your clothing brands? What inspired you to take this path?

IS: I would have to say simply existing motivated me to become a body-positive advocate but that would not be entirely true! Becoming a mother led me to become a body-positive advocate. I wanted to empower my child with the tools of self-love, how to combat bullying and love himself with pride. All while being unapologetic for living in the skin he was born in and the body that was provided.  My personal journey was a hard and long one. I was constantly questioned about my weight as young as 12 and encouraged to restrict calories and exercise quite heavily. I did not want that for my child. I not only knew I would have to reinforce my child was beautiful and perfect, I had to remind society of the fact as well.


QSM: Your book "Diary of a Curvy Gal" chronicles your journey to self-love. Could you share a pivotal moment or realization from your journey that had a significant impact on your perspective about body image and self-acceptance?

IS:  A pivotal moment for me was noticing that others around me did not count calories, drink Slim Fast or exercise regularly. College opened my eyes to different lifestyles, different people and different mentalities toward health and fitness. Ultimately leading me toward body positivity and self-love. The final nail in the coffin was social media. On social media I found a world of people, like me.


QSM: Your clothing brands, Curvy Girls Rock and Plurvy, aim to promote body positivity and self-confidence. How do you ensure that your clothing designs and messages resonate with people of all body types and backgrounds?

IS: To ensure that our clothing and designs resonate with all body types and backgrounds we lean on our principles. Our first principle is, “you are beautiful”. Our second principle is, everyone deserves to look and feel good. Our third principle is inclusion. We select graphics that reinforce the inner beauty of every person. Our sizes go up to a 5x and 6x in most styles. Lastly, we use a unisex cut in our garments so that men and women can join the community and rock the garments. My husband and son both love the crew neck sweatshirts, we hope to launch hoodies this Fall! Self-love is for all bodies of all shapes, sizes and abilities.


QSM: The issue of body shaming remains a concern, especially in school environments. How do you believe your clothing brands contribute to creating a more supportive and inclusive atmosphere for students?

IS: That is a powerful question. Young children are always exploring social norms. If we as a brand, aid in curvy and plus bodies being the social norm, we are impacting this generation as well as the next to not ostracize, bully or reticule their peers for being plus-size. Children learn from each other as well as their parents. If we educate and motivate both at the same time, then we can see real change in behavior.


QSM: Your children's book, "The Adventures of Jaylen Newman," highlights positive aspects of Black family life. How does this work tie into your advocacy for body positivity and self-love?

IS: All roads lead to being a mother. True story, my son was watching television and said, “Mom, why do none of the people look like me”! I literally wanted to cry. I looked at the screen and I looked at him. That is the moment I decided I needed to do something. Here is my black, husky son, with a head full of beautiful locks. I wanted boys and girls of color to know that they are beautiful. I wanted him to know he is beautiful and perfect just the way he is. It was important to me to give the opportunity for others to see themselves represented, positively, in the media.


QSM: Back-to-school time can be challenging for students dealing with body image issues and societal pressures. How do you think schools and educators can better support students' self-esteem and promote body positivity?

IS: Teachers shape and mold the world children operate in, for at least 6 to 8 hours a day. A simple act such as interfering with bullying. Addressing bullying directly and boldly can have a huge impact on the classroom. If the teacher hears a child being called ugly or fat, that is the teachable moment. To tell that sweet child that they are beautiful and remind the entire class that words can hurt. The thing is, the child doing the bullying probably needs to be reminded how beautiful and wonderful they are as well. Lastly, giving children that are struggling with body image or self-esteem tools can also help. Tools such as words to combat bullying, mantras and positive affirmations can take a person far and reinforce positive self-esteem.


QSM: Your efforts are making a significant impact on promoting self-love and acceptance. Looking forward, what are your goals for expanding your advocacy and continuing to combat body shaming, both within and outside of the fashion industry?

IS: Thank you for your kind words. Looking forward, we are planning to have an in-person conference. This conference will grant the opportunity to hear people speak about body positivity, self-love and how to end the cycle of self-hate that mainstream media has reinforced. Also, in the distant future, we plan to roll out coaching sessions. In these small groups or 1:1 session participant can discuss fashion, lifestyle and offer an over community feel for the movement.


QSM: Please share info on where people can follow and support your journey. And how they can even be a part of it.

IS: We have several micro communities where we create content that promotes body positivity and self-love. If you are into body positive adult coloring books, we have our first book that can be found on Amazon.  We have a lifestyle magazine that talks about all things women, PaSH Magazine, and a community on Facebook, Curvy Gals Rock! Another great spot is my website, Izzy Spears.


