As the school bells prepare to ring once again and the echoes of vacation laughter fade into the distance, a bittersweet farewell to summer draws near. This year, a semblance of normalcy graced our days, with in-person experiences replacing the virtual ones that had become all too familiar. A tapestry of events unfolded, each woven with the threads of genuine human connection – a sight to behold.


Embracing a newfound freedom, this summer beckoned us to embark on vacations unburdened by the shackles of limitations. Reunions with long-lost faces became the heartwarming centerpiece of these sun-kissed months. Amidst this mosaic of moments, one personal memory stands out for me – the vibrant tapestry of fashion events that I had the privilege to attend.


Venturing into the world of influencers who've set this season ablaze with their vitality, I sought to capture their own chapters of summer splendor. I presented them with a common query – "What memories shine brightest from this radiant summer?" The richness of their responses paints a portrait of the season's diverse tapestry. And now, let's hear their stories.

Monique Cartwright

This year, I participated in many fashion shows Including walking in Miami Swim Week for the first time. I attended Lifestyled Honors as a VIP influencer. First time nomination ever as Outstanding Plus Model for The Full Figured Industry Awards. Added a new title to my resume as creative director - Demim by Jente ATL show coming soon.
Added a major brand to my branding resume. Started my LLC to branch out and start using my platform to its fullest potential. And I hit 2.5k on her Facebook Model Group - ATL Exclusive Plus Size Model Directory. I also served as a volunteer for the ATL AIDS walk as I want to show diversity on my resume and I love giving back.
— Monique

Photo credit: Rick Jones @rjonesphotography

This summer season kicked off with me walking into my 40’s and embracing a new era. As I celebrate this milestone, I’m reminded that age is not a number that defines me; it’s a testament to the wisdom and strength I’ve gained.
Summer is about cherishing the journey that you take and looking forward to the adventures that lie ahead. Just like the ocean waves that continuously kiss the shore, my experiences have shaped me, and with 39 summers behind me, I am filled with gratitude for the memories I’ve created.
So cheers to 40 more summer seasons, to embracing life with open arms, and to relishing the beach’s gift of sun, sea, and serenity.
— Sheena

Photo credit: Anastasia Muckle @anastasia.mucklephotography

As of 7/1/2023 I turned 49 and had 4 Birthday celebrations! Living in Tampa Bay I have had the pleasure of brunching at the hottest new restaurants Coasis and Madame
Fortune. I spent a relaxing staycation in Tampa Bay’s Rocky Point. A spa day with my sister at the Current Autograph. There’s no shortage of fun in my city, and I never miss Drag brunch at 7th and Grove. To wrap my summer up, my children and I spent time at the famous Florida Aquarium and Busch Gardens.
— Juanita

Photo credit: @joalxia

This has definitely been a summer to remember! As the reigning Ms.Full-Figured D.M.V. 2022, I was invited to so many Curvy positive events that it was hard to choose from but attending the Ms. Caribbean Full-Figured pageant was the most fun I’ve had at a pageant in a while! I got to participate in some really rewarding volunteer events for the youth in the DMV. And of course passing on my crown to the next Ms. Full-Figured D.M.V. 2023. That experience was one I will never forget!
— Tazah

Photo credit: Tifaneé Gladney @tgladphoto

Usually summers bring exciting and memorable moments that create lasting highlights, but God had other plans for this particular summer. My family planning for outings came to a halt with the untimely passing of my father. I felt consumed with grief from mourning until I leaned into all the things he’s ever taught me and instilled in me, like to focus on the solution and not the problem. As the season draws to a close, I realize that summers will never be the same without my father, but I took solace in the endless opportunities l have been afforded to dive deep into my love and passion for fashion through back to back industry events, bookings, and travel that brought my heart and mind so much peace and joy. I embrace the fact he is no longer with us, but that his love, fire, and spirit will forever be with me.
— Ashley

Photo credit: Alfred Beverly @charissolutionsphotography

The highlight of my summer was enjoying some time at the beach with my family. I always enjoy our annual family beach trip. I love wearing sunglasses, sundresses and sandals all summer.
— Carla, owner of Phenomenal Fashions

Featured Model: Sabrina Whipple

Photo by Phenomenal Fashions 


