image shot by Nick Urteaga @coastalflicks / Model Corey Thomas @cque_smooth is wearing Johnny Bigg

QSM: What was the driving force behind you beginning your modeling journey?

Corey: I honestly wanted to get into acting since I was a kid. I was even grinding to go to the NFL solely on making enough money to pursue acting without starving. Modeling was just a blessing that can out of nowhere, but I am very grateful for the opportunities that I have had so far.


QSM: Tell me about middle school Corey. Who was he? Was he fashionable or nah? Lol

Corey: Middle school Corey was a geek and was not fashionable at all. I feel like I am still that very same person lol. We moved from the projects to a single-family home which meant more expenses. We didn’t have the money for me to have Jordans or designer brands, so I didn’t know much about it growing up. The neighborhood wasn’t the best, so I often found myself in the house playing games and reading comic books. Now that I have the money, I’m still waiting on the fashion sense to kick in lol.

QSM: What sport did you play in college? Why did you stop?

Corey: I played football for Northern Illinois Univ, which is a division 1 school, but even at that level I didn’t know much about the sport. I sometimes had to meet with my coach at 6am to literally teach me the basics, I only made it to the collegiate level because I was stronger and faster than most. After graduating, I pursued a professional career with the bears, but was cut. I never had a passion for football, it was a means to pay for college. When my time was up, I hung up the helmet with no regrets.


QSM: Now you know inquiring minds want to know, so let’s go ahead and ask. Is Corey single and available? Or are you off the market?

Corey: Lol I am focusing on myself, my brand, and my businesses.


QSM: Ok, we are glazing over that one. Lol So what do you do for fun?

Corey: I am a big gamer, but I am an even bigger movie goer. I love watching all types of films with friends and loved ones. I think 2023 I will focus more on traveling compared to staying at home.

QSM: Growing up, did you ever see yourself as a model? What was or is your career goal?

Corey: I never in a million years would have believed I was a model. Growing up I had extremely low self-esteem, and I still deal with it a bit today. When I was younger, I thought I would be a scientist, not modeling for Nike or Kohls. Besides modeling, I work for Microsoft, and I have my own trucking business. The career goal is to not have a 9-5 and focus primarily on modeling and acting.


QSM: Good looking AND smart! Great combination. The Big and Tall industry has come a long way, and much like the rest of the plus industry, we still have a lot more work to do. What changes do you want to see and what is Corey’s contribution to that change?

Corey: I would love to see designer brands supply clothes for bigger guys and in abundance. Shopping is a grind when you’re big and tall, often with no reward at the end of the day. I would love to walk into banana republic and see multiple 3x shirts on the rack.

QSM: I am with you on that! What would you say is your personal fashion style and why? Favorite place to shop?

Corey: I am way more chill when it comes to fashion. I love being comfortable, so I enjoy high end hoodies and sweat suits. I can switch it up for church and days I’m in the office, but you’ll usually catch me in a hoody. I love shopping at ASOS because they have some great options for the big boys.


QSM: My kind of guy; hoodies and sweat suits. Please share where people can follow you Corey and reach you for possible bookings. Thank you for your time, and all you do for the Big & Tall industry. QSM will definitely be keeping an eye out on you.

Corey: Of course! I can be emailed at , portfolio can be found at, and you can follow me @cque_smooth


