Embarking on her purpose unfolded a tapestry of beautiful occurrences for Renada Brown, all gracefully orchestrated by a higher power. The journey commenced at the age of 25 on the lively streets of downtown Dallas. Having recently extricated herself from a challenging relationship, little did Renada know that the ensuing trials would be instrumental in shaping the path forward.


In the sweltering heat of a Dallas summer, serendipity intervened when Renada crossed paths with two photographers who discerned a natural talent. This fortuitous encounter sparked the beginning of her successful freelance modeling career within a mere six months, all guided by a divine presence. Establishing a commendable reputation within the Dallas community for photoshoots and fashion shows, Renada was unwittingly being prepared for the realization of a childhood dream.


Two years into this transformative journey, meaningful connections and friendships were forged. A pivotal moment occurred when a friend introduced Renada to J3 Productions' open casting call, setting the stage for a life-altering experience. The preparation for the talent expo proved to be both transformative and fulfilling. Little did Renada anticipate that her childhood dream would materialize into reality, culminating in a signing with Modern Muse and Actors Choice Talent Agency.


Regardless of the trajectory this journey takes, one constant remains—the unwavering presence of a higher power at the forefront. None of these achievements would be feasible without divine intervention. To those facing hardships, discouragement, or challenging times, take solace in the understanding that these experiences are not haphazard. They serve as a necessary grooming process for what lies ahead, and with faith, the storm will pass before Renada realizes it.


Embarking on her purpose unfolded a tapestry of beautiful occurrences for Renada Brown, all gracefully orchestrated by a higher power. The journey commenced at the age of 25 on the lively streets of downtown Dallas. Having recently extricated herself from a challenging relationship, little did Reneda know that the ensuing trials would be instrumental in shaping the path forward.


In the sweltering heat of a Dallas summer, serendipity intervened when Renada crossed paths with two photographers who discerned a natural talent. This fortuitous encounter sparked the beginning of her successful freelance modeling career within a mere six months, all guided by a divine presence. Establishing a commendable reputation within the Dallas community for photoshoots and fashion shows, Renada was unwittingly being prepared for the realization of a childhood dream.


Two years into this transformative journey, meaningful connections and friendships were forged. A pivotal moment occurred when a friend introduced Renada to J3 Productions' open casting call, setting the stage for a life-altering experience. The preparation for the talent expo proved to be both transformative and fulfilling. Little did Reneda anticipate that her childhood dream would materialize into reality, culminating in a signing with Modern Muse and Actors Choice Talent Agency.


Regardless of the trajectory this journey takes, one constant remains—the unwavering presence of a higher power at the forefront. None of these achievements would be feasible without divine intervention. To those facing hardships, discouragement, or challenging times, take solace in the understanding that these experiences are not haphazard. They serve as a necessary grooming process for what lies ahead, and with faith, the storm will pass before Renada realizes it.

Who is Renada

QSM: Renada, your journey from the hot streets of downtown Dallas to becoming a successful freelance model and achieving your childhood dream is truly inspiring. Can you share a specific moment or experience during those early days that stands out as a turning point in your career?

Renada: The turning point for my career is when all my hair fell out in my beautician sink and that’s when I realized yeeea God really took his time on me because I am beeeeaaaaautiful.


QSM: Building connections and friendships played a significant role in your journey. Can you tell us about a memorable encounter or collaboration that not only contributed to your professional growth but also left a lasting impact on you personally?

Renada: Every interaction plays a part in my career and in self-growth because the interaction was set in to play before I got here by the God I serve and if I can learn from you and vise versa why not stay in contact?


QSM: Joining J3 Productions' open casting call marked a pivotal point in your career. Could you take us through the emotions and experiences of that time, from the training for the talent expo to the life-changing moment when you realized your childhood dream was becoming a reality?

Renada: When they saw what I spoke over my life years ago as a little girl I knew right then and there ok God, you give me the green light I’m going to hit the ground running and that’s exactly what Happened.


QSM: Your signing with Modern Muse and Actors Choice Talent Agency is a remarkable achievement. How has this milestone influenced your perspective on the industry, and what aspirations do you have for your career moving forward?

Renada: When you do anything positive or against “the grain” you will experience every emotion and it’s normal to give yourself grace to feel every emotion because it’s shaping you to what’s to come.


QSM: Your story emphasizes the role of faith and a higher power in your journey. Can you share a specific instance where you felt the presence of divine intervention, and how faith has played a guiding role in your personal and professional life?

Renada: The industry is ever changing; back in the 90’s curves wasn’t really being highlighted but now hunni curves are here and we’re here to stay there’s pros and cons to everything you do but in this business, it’s important to know who you are and your why and stay true to you because nobody can be better at you than you.


QSM: In facing hardships and challenges, you mention the belief that these experiences are grooming you for what's to come. Can you reflect on a particularly tough moment in your journey and how you overcame it, shedding light on the lessons learned and the resilience that has shaped you into the person you are today?

Renada: When I sat down with Jan my agent of modern muse at expo, keep in mind she wasn’t one of my call backs, but after we talked and connected as I reached out for hand to say farewell it’s like me her and God touched and agreed I can’t really explain that feeling but when I walked away and looked back all I could say in my mind is “I got her” but I still walked away with no expectations and the following week my contract was in my spam and I didn’t even know it until my manager Willie Johnson called me when I was with a client in July that modern muse wanted me that was nobody but god!


QSM: Your journey highlights the transformative power of perseverance and resilience. Can you share a piece of advice or a mantra that kept you going during challenging times, and how has this mindset contributed to your overall growth and success?

Renada: When you’re gunning for something positive and it is something that nobody in your family has done before, you will get tested to see if you’re ready for the gift and blessings god want to give you. I simply went into hiatus once I got the news celebrated with loved ones and close friends and worked on my relationship with God because I knew the path that I was walking into I was gonna need him more than ever.


QSM: Given the diverse experiences you've had, both personally and professionally, what is one key takeaway or lesson that you would want aspiring models or individuals pursuing their dreams to embrace and learn from your story?

Renada: I can do all things thru Christ that strengthens me….this can get me thru anything and  wanting to retire my parents always does the trick for me.


QSM: For those inspired by your journey and eager to follow and support you, could you share where people can connect with you online or stay updated on your latest projects and endeavors? Are there specific platforms or social media channels where fans and supporters can engage with your work and journey?

Renada: Can’t nobody be you! There is nobody like you in the industry so be who you are it’s not over saturated can’t no one be better than you than you so own who you are. Links to my channels can be found here

Photo credit:

Model: Renada Brown

Photographer: @lionelwhytephotography

Pose Coach: @blu3modelcoachingllc


